Payment Information
Please use the information below for all payments to Geoscanners AB. This information is also found in the offers that were sent to you by the Geoscanners Sales Department. Make sure to control that you type everything correctly and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.Please include the purchase order or invoice number as reference.
SEK - SWIFT or IBANSwedbank AB (publ)a/c: 8201-6, 914.357.963-0BIC: SWEDSESSIBAN: SE32 8000 0820 1691 4357 9630
EURO - SWIFT or IBANSwedbank AB (publ)a/c: 8201-6, 137.677.186-9BIC: SWEDSESSIBAN: SE11 8000 0820 1613 7677 1869
GBP - SWIFT or IBANSwedbank AB (publ)a/c: 8201-6, 37.012.940-5BIC: SWEDSESSIBAN: SE83 8000 0820 1603 7012 9405
USD - SWIFT or IBANSwedbank AB (publ)a/c: 8201-6, 137.023.569-7BIC: SWEDSESSIBAN: SE93 8000 0820 1613 7023 5697
Paypal Payment(Please include the purchase order or invoice number as reference) IMPORTANT: Only for software licenses, not hardware.
Contact Information
Geoscanners ABKanslihusvägen 10SE-96143 BodenSweden E-mail: Telephone Number: +46 921 530 20
Bank Address
Swedbank ABDrottninggatan 1BOX 244SE-96123 BodenSweden